I'm so pleased to announce i'm back at the Lodge.Space
from Tuesday 24th January.
That's pretty short notice, so I'll be prepping my equipment and getting my head into "anatomy mode" without delay.
Now for the small print…
Initially, I’m going to be starting with Tuesday 10-3 and Saturday 10-3. I just need to be careful as I haven’t done it for a while and my hand still has noticeable issues. But it’s important to start using it more and build up strength and flexibility through practice.
For the same reason, I’ll be limiting treatment lengths to a max of 1 hour until I can safely extend. A big apology to all those that love to book more... let's hope I'll be able to release longer treatments fairly quickly
However, I really don’t know how quickly this will progress… it could be a matter of weeks or a matter of months - obviously it’s fingers crossed for the quicker of the two. Sorry for the vagueness but if I’ve learnt anything it’s to embrace the uncertainty and know that it’ll all come out good in the end.
I’m not on the booking system yet so if you’d like to book just message me and we can sort it Old Skool.
If you have tokens from multi-packs bought before my accident then we'll compare notes and adjust the new system at the Lodge accordingly... the software systems changed at the Lodge shortly after I was injured and I'm not sure what data is still held... in theory it should all be there... so don't press the panic button just as yet.
From what I understand, there have been a few glitches with the new booking system regarding therapies in particular and things may change very soon to put something more stable in place.
Be assured though that you’ll always be able to make bookings through message, phonecall and email with me. You’ll hardly notice a difference :)
For those of you in North London, I'm going to wait until I have stabilised at the Lodge before firming up a new venue. As i mentioned before, Down To Earth in Tufnell Park have some spare slots at the moment... and I'm hoping this will still be the case when I'm ready to branch out.
If anyone knows of any suitable venues, please get in touch. I definitely want an offering again in North London
I'm really looking forward to getting back to work again and seeing your lovely faces. As soon as you feel you want to book in with me, drop me a message and we can get you in the diary.
Take care and speak soon